The Media's Wasted Time

Why is it that in the '90s you had balanced news?  Sure the Internet was in its infancy but you had news that covered the entire spectrum from politics to forum affairs to domestic policy to features.  I don't know about you but I didn't appreciate the quality of the news 20 years ago and I admit it.  Then again, I'm Generation-X and we are the unappreciative generation, and I'm the first person to admit it.

Now, I don't need to literally get an arrow and point to what I'm talking about because you know, as well as I know, how obsessive the media is.  The Russia story confirms this completely- they took the avenging of Hillary Clinton's 2016 loss and, literally, slammed it down our throats to the point that all of us were choking.  Look, what we're left with now- literally- NOTHING and that brings me to this- look at all of the time that has been wasted.

In the past 2 years, the Mueller investigation has given Trump a perfect opportunity to rape the country.  He's also lined his pocketbook, incited racism and literally has made most Americans lives miserable.  People have been living in fear of what he and his corrupt pals are going to do next.  Trump is a corrupt buffoon- in bed with Saudi Arabia- probably making a ton of money with some hidden North Korean deal and NO ONE CARES.  Now, since this Mueller report is completed, you can almost guarantee that Trump will take his indignant rage out on the American people.

Yes, despite the indignant Joe Scarborough- the media's obsession DID LET US DOWN.  They, literally threw us to the wolves, and the whining continues- over and over- the grasping for straws.  Instead of moving on, the media keeps milking a dry cow.  Someone really needs too get off their asses in the media and get them back to doing their job- informing the people of not just their favorite issues but all of the issues.
