Practice What You Preach

By the way, have you checked out @Rocky4President on Twitter yet?  Now, there's a cat who meows what he preaches which, conveniently rolls into today's topic.

If you want to be in Congress and come up with clever policy, there is such a thing as practicing what you preach.  And yes, this ties into AOC with her 'fabulous' Green New Deal and the fact that she seems to be a big fan of Uber.  Let me explain to you why this is more important that what Twitter and the mainstream media want you to believe.

Let's note you can apply this idea to anyone who makes policy, not just AOC.

Green energy does indeed have to be the future but the way the Green New Deal was rolled out and it's overwhelming accusations and conclusions makes me understand why conservatives roll their eyes.  Let's' give her the benefit of the doubt, fine Ms. Ocasio-Cortez you have a problem with cars.  You want trains- oooo-kay that's great but let's note-

I haven't heard a peep out of you wanting money for Amtrak.  As a matter of fact, it appears that you don't even use it.  Come to think of it- it seems to me you seem to forget that you live in a city with the ultimate subway system.  It slips your mind that most New Yorkers get on the subway for work, school or any recreation but hey- you're Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez- DOWN WITH THE GAS-POWERED CAR.  So, do you set an example?

Obviously, it's been revealed that you don't.  I don't need to get into her Uber expenses or the whining that she did afterwards about why she used it.  Being in Pittsburgh it blows my mind that she wouldn't take advantage of the convenience of the New York subway system, considering it's available and it goes almost anywhere.  Consider the optics of the whole thing- if you have a track record of 'subway first' then a rollout of a Green New Deal appears somewhat interesting.  However, what Ms. Ocasio-Cortez fails to understand is that when people outside of New York see her in a vehicle all of the time it makes her credibility in wanting a 'Green New Deal' sink to zero.

In other words- practice what you preach ma'am. At least MAKE THE EFFORT.
People aren't as dumb as you think and this 'don't pick on me I'm female' act is a poor excuse for your own policy shortcomings.
