Do You Remember When...?

It's a break from the reminder lists but don't worry they'll be back.  Why?  Because they're necessary that's why but this should be sort of interesting because it's something for the old and the young...

Do you remember when...?

Kids actually played outside.

Kids were in school and there was actually a fistfight outside, the teachers would let them go.  Now, any kind of fight brings on cops and tv coverage...

A female could actually go out in a baseball cap and not be accused of being transgender...

Newspapers actually had stories that weren't Twitter quotes...

Newspapers actually did investigation...

Reporters actually had a beat...

Questions were actually answered in a story...

There were better headlines...

Local tv news didn't focus on the weather for 15 minutes to begin their newscast...

TV analysts were actually honest...

Balance was more important than blackballing...

The media asked questions when a politician or a member of law enforcement went back on their word...

The mainstream media did follow-ups....

Unions were strong...

Hollywood didn't tell you who to like politically...

Hollywood made movies that were good and not just to prove a point...

People didn't rant and rave about words from 30 years ago...

People didn't assume what political party you were in because of your location...

You could go to church without being called a 'religious nut...'

There was actually a politician out there that did more than pat him/herself on the back....

In the end, I think you get the overall idea of this piece.  Society seems to get more screwed-up each day and assumptions seem to be a big part of it.  The question is- how in the hell do we fix it?


  1. Richard Louv. If y ou've not read his stuff about "nature deprivation," he is a must read.


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