
Diversity is an interesting word.

Okay, it's more than interesting.  It's a great word. Diversity is a great thing- it's inclusive- it's real, no matter who or where you are it's something that should be celebrated.  No matter what political party you're in it's a word to embrace because diversity opens doors.  Democrats/Progressives jump at the word.  They're like kids really, tripping all over themselves seeing who could be the most diverse.  As a matter of fact, they're tripping all over themselves to stress that 'LOOK PEOPLE WE HAVE THE MOST DIVERSE PRESIDENTIAL FIELD EVER.'

Aren't we good?

Aren't we the best?

Just look at us-

Oh boy, let's just stand-up and give them around of applause.

Do you see where I'm going?

The democrats don't want true diversity- not a chance- they want votes.  They pander instead of 'open-up.' Just take a look at them- I'm no fan of Beto O'Rourke but what's with the news stories?  Every other freaking day he's apologizing for his skin color.  If you're a white male in this presidential race beware- you're goiing to have every angle of your past dug up and you're going to have to go through extra pandering classes to make yourself heard!  Again- I have no problem about someone's past being bought up but if you're going to do that to a few- you better do that to all.  Do you really think all the women running were saints in high school?

I know, I know.  I'm digressing- yet again.

Let me put it to you this way about the word diversity in relation to the democratic party.

A true democratic party doesn't shun any sex or any color.  A democratic party that really wants diversity welcomes the idea of the standard- 'the white male' running with the women or any minority guy.  This whole thing with this party screaming diversity is ridiculous- the idea that a bunch of politicians who jump all over someone because they didn't grow-up a minority or a female is really getting old.  Instead of all of these white guys tripping all over themselves apologizing for who they are- why not tell people what you're going to do FOR ALL PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRY to make their lives better?  If you do that- then I'll believe the democrats idea of 'diversity..'

Until then I see most of them as pandering, rich fools...

@Rocky4President (check him out on Twitter) actually looks better and better as a write-in every day...
