You Can't Have It Both Ways About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Contrary to what may be out there by many progressives, you do have to agree with every single thing that is uttered.

God help you if you even lay one word of criticism towards Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez- oh no! You get the wrath-over and over.  Never did I see more excuses made for a 29-year-old privileged, know-it-all, who in fact knows very little.

Let's put it bluntly about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Green New Deal, and a lot of this circles back to yesterday's blog.  You cannot have it both ways when it comes to this woman.  If you're going to slam her CONTINUOUSLY down people's throats that she's the savior of the world, you can't turn around and go:

"But-but- she cares- I- I know she does."

That seems to be the biggest cop-out when it comes to this woman.  How in the hell do all of you know that she cares so much? How?  A lot of you are willing to shoot me down for pointing out legitimate points yet many of you believe every single word this woman says.  People if you're going to promote her as someone who knows all the answers- you can't scream and yell when someone wants answers about particular policy.  To top it all off, this trend of thinking that a 29-year-old has all the answers on how to save the world from global warming is a joke.

It's a complete joke.

The environment issue as a whole is complex. It's going to take a hell of a lot more work than her screeching about solar panels to solve this crisis.  What are the answers?  Do you know what that's really funny that you say that- and I'll keep REPEATING IT.  When Ralph Nader campaigned for president in the 2000s he actually laid out ideas that made sense- this woman sends a tweet and YEAH OH YEAH BABY- everything is going to get solved in 10 years.

Listen, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is no climate change expert, contrary to what Bernie Sanders says but if all of you want to play this game and put your faith in her just remember don't slam the critics because-

You can't have it both ways.
