
           Society is a weird thing.

          Take a chill, relax and take a deep breath.  That comment isn’t necessarily a bad phrase.  Weird is equal to change.  Times are always changing (obviously) and that makes for interesting variety.  However, there’s something odd going on and granted I’m no sociologist, but it seems like a lot of people have jumped onto this trend of ‘wanting to be the next celebrity’s buddy.’ Let me explain this just a little bit further…

          For years you hear lectures from those in the media (specifically talk radio) that people shouldn’t be looking to sports stars for their heroes.  Personally, I don’t agree I always figure if someone is really into an athlete’s career that’s their choice but hey- if someone thinks otherwise that’s their own opinion.  You could easily compare this to what is happening in politics.

          Whether it’s the so-called Bernie Bros. (that phrase still makes me chuckle), the Brock-bots, the Trumpers or the AOC fanclub you have a prevailing attitude that you’re either with us or against us.  It seems to me that there are a lot of people out there that want to be ‘somebody’s buddy’ and not look at items of a reasonable perspective. It also seems to me that you cannot question anyone anymore.  Asking the right questions open yourself to ridicule it opens yourself up to frustration as well.  Did anyone ever notice that in the age of information, you can never get the right answer about a question?

          But let’s move along with this, here’s the trouble with social media and sides all sides have their own camp.  All of them don’t want to hear reasonable criticism and god forbid if you ask a question.  If you don’t agree with the Hillary, Bernie or Trump side you’re either called the following a sexist, hater or a communist.  God forbid if you criticize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez then you’re all the above. So, what exactly does this tell you?

          Personally, I think real thought is in the danger of going extinct.  Contrary to what you may think real reporting is critically endangered as well.  To many people from politicians, to the media and even to social media personalities have an agenda.  Let me note as well, that undying adoration and believing every word that your favorite politician says is also very dangerous.  That gives them the go-ahead to do, say and act however they want instead of doing their job- serving the people.

