The Democratic Debates

Between now and the end of the 2020 primary, you'll be able to have the novel of the ages.  There are so many questions and not enough answers.  I believe the main question to throw out there to the public and to the democratic field is this:

How in the world is their supposed to be an honest presidential debate among the democrats?
Seriously, how?  No matter who you like, they all have their 'political demon.'  In case you need a recap:

Gabbard: Questions about views on gays
Klobuchar: Staff issues
Booker: The Betsy Devos, Spartacus, mayoral corruption, etc.
Gillibrand: Philip Morris and the Me Too Factor
Warren: DNA issues
Harris: As Gadfly stated she's a cop.

Of course, I just gave the main group but if you throw Bernie Sanders in that group- how in the world could you possibly have an honest debate.  Case in point, attitude.

The attitude, overall, that a lot of people have towards the elderly stinks.  Secondly, Bernie's a white male and everyone knows that the ladies are pure and the big bad white male is just sooooo horrible.  How is Bernie Sanders supposed to be able to pitch himself to an audience?  How?  You can't freely criticize any of these women or a hashtag will come up.  Journalism is non-existent in this country, due to the fact that it's nothing but commentary.  I have absolutely no doubt that Bernie has a great pitch for the voters out there but you tell me.  How in the world is he supposed to go against people?  There is also the Booker factor.

Yeah, you heard that right.  You know as well as I know that I didn't even begin to mention the entire Cory Booker scandal sheet but I can see the scenario of the entire field ganging up on Bernie and Bernie, due to the fact that he wants to talk 'equality' not fighting back.  Again, I cannot for the life of me see how a real debate can occur in this party.
