Ocasio-Cortez Is a Terrible Face For Climate Change
Understand something-
To a lot of you it seems like I have a vehement dislike for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, when it's not true. I don't know her and I don't want to know her. Here's what I don't like though and get ready for a nice summary...
I don't like her condescending, 'I know everything and if you don't agree with me your a sexist and racist' attitude. I also don't like the fact that when it comes to the idea of questions she won't answer. I also think that a politician who doesn't want to grow into the job is actually very dangerous.
So moving right along-
I come from an area that, literally is under a double whammy with fracking and power plants. My hometown has literally been destroyed by Halliburton. In an area that was once alive with a lot of wildlife you don't see the following anymore; turtles, owls, skunks, pheasants, porcupines, scarlet tanagers and purple martins. I've also noticed that turkeys, turkey buzzards, chickadees and hairy woodpeckers are few and far between as well. Granted, with all of these animals you might get lucky and see the occasional turtle or skunk but it's not like it was. Finally, and I note the obvious, many people I knew are now sick today with cancer and other ailments. As for myself, I've been very lucky but the fact that so many people my age (Generation-X) are so ill is really disturbing and sad.
What's also sad is no one admits it is like I said, a lot of people who are suddenly *snaps fingers* interested in the Green New Deal are the same group that didn't even make any kind of noise in the '80s about the future bad health of Generation-X oh no- just because someone got the bright idea to put Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the face of climate change- suddenly everyone thinks a Green New Deal is such a great idea.
Oh don't worry- I'll tie this all together.
Do you know what I want? I want acknowledgement. I don't want to hear the b.s. anymore that 'oh look at all of you older people you just ruined it for us poor millennials.' For one, that's a lie and number two this entire situation with global warming has been going on for A LONG TIME and for A LONG TIME Ralph Nader was the only one that talked about it. Now, I'm supposed to believe that a 29-year-old from the Bronx, is suddenly going to make the world right by coming up with legislation in between her tweeting and throwing out some kind of insult to anyone who disagrees with her. Sorry, I'm not buying this and YEAH- I KNOW THE FEW OF YOU WHO READ THIS BLOG are sick of hearing about this but someone has to have some guts and call her and all the democrats out on their sudden "Oh my, oh my- suddenly we care about climate change."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Hillary repackaged- it's her way or the highway and all of us from seniors to Generation-Z deserve a lot better than her. However, she's going to get away with a lot in the next couple of years because she figures, "Oh I'm a female and all of you who want environmental change have to listen to me because that's all you have."
Sound familiar?
Hillary had that same attitude about "Oh you have to pick me because I'm the only real democrat."
Ocasio-Cortez is Hillary Clinton repackaged and putting her as the face of climate change is IDIOTIC. I blame Bernie Sanders for a lot of this and if I could ask him one question it would be this:
Why do you not return Ralph Nader's phone calls and insult my intelligence by telling me that she is an expert on climate change? Why Bernie? Why?
To a lot of you it seems like I have a vehement dislike for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, when it's not true. I don't know her and I don't want to know her. Here's what I don't like though and get ready for a nice summary...
I don't like her condescending, 'I know everything and if you don't agree with me your a sexist and racist' attitude. I also don't like the fact that when it comes to the idea of questions she won't answer. I also think that a politician who doesn't want to grow into the job is actually very dangerous.
So moving right along-
I come from an area that, literally is under a double whammy with fracking and power plants. My hometown has literally been destroyed by Halliburton. In an area that was once alive with a lot of wildlife you don't see the following anymore; turtles, owls, skunks, pheasants, porcupines, scarlet tanagers and purple martins. I've also noticed that turkeys, turkey buzzards, chickadees and hairy woodpeckers are few and far between as well. Granted, with all of these animals you might get lucky and see the occasional turtle or skunk but it's not like it was. Finally, and I note the obvious, many people I knew are now sick today with cancer and other ailments. As for myself, I've been very lucky but the fact that so many people my age (Generation-X) are so ill is really disturbing and sad.
What's also sad is no one admits it is like I said, a lot of people who are suddenly *snaps fingers* interested in the Green New Deal are the same group that didn't even make any kind of noise in the '80s about the future bad health of Generation-X oh no- just because someone got the bright idea to put Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the face of climate change- suddenly everyone thinks a Green New Deal is such a great idea.
Oh don't worry- I'll tie this all together.
Do you know what I want? I want acknowledgement. I don't want to hear the b.s. anymore that 'oh look at all of you older people you just ruined it for us poor millennials.' For one, that's a lie and number two this entire situation with global warming has been going on for A LONG TIME and for A LONG TIME Ralph Nader was the only one that talked about it. Now, I'm supposed to believe that a 29-year-old from the Bronx, is suddenly going to make the world right by coming up with legislation in between her tweeting and throwing out some kind of insult to anyone who disagrees with her. Sorry, I'm not buying this and YEAH- I KNOW THE FEW OF YOU WHO READ THIS BLOG are sick of hearing about this but someone has to have some guts and call her and all the democrats out on their sudden "Oh my, oh my- suddenly we care about climate change."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Hillary repackaged- it's her way or the highway and all of us from seniors to Generation-Z deserve a lot better than her. However, she's going to get away with a lot in the next couple of years because she figures, "Oh I'm a female and all of you who want environmental change have to listen to me because that's all you have."
Sound familiar?
Hillary had that same attitude about "Oh you have to pick me because I'm the only real democrat."
Ocasio-Cortez is Hillary Clinton repackaged and putting her as the face of climate change is IDIOTIC. I blame Bernie Sanders for a lot of this and if I could ask him one question it would be this:
Why do you not return Ralph Nader's phone calls and insult my intelligence by telling me that she is an expert on climate change? Why Bernie? Why?
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