If You Slam AOC Down My Throat Just Remember...

This is just a little reminder list for those of you suffering from AOC mania.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is lauded for campaigning for Bernie Sanders, but did we forget this?

New York Democratic Primary Numbers


Hillary Clinton: 105,719

Bernie Sanders: 46, 189


Hillary Clinton: 133,210

Bernie Sanders: 81,762

          Not much of a help, was she?

          In 2016, all of you shoving Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez down my throat thought there was no way Elizabeth Warren would support Hillary over Bernie Sanders and, obviously, you were wrong.  Don’t assume that AOC is automatically Bernie.

          Nancy Pelosi annoying you?  Don’t forget AOC called her ‘the most progressive,’ after saying she wouldn’t vote for her. And yes, her little clique got rewarded, well didn’t they?

          A reminder that AOC tweeted that committee assignments were random and, in the meantime, Conor Lamb and another NY representative who are both lawyers didn’t get on that Oversight Committee just because they stuck to their guns.

          Let’s move onto the environment.  Let me remind all of you when this country went power plant happy and destroyed the environment in rural America no one in the democratic party cared and the only one talking about it was Ralph Nader.

          Let me remind all of you again, particularly Generation-X, that when Halliburton was ruining the water in rural America, I didn’t hear the words ‘Green New Deal’ except from Ralph Nader.


          A reminder that homelessness still runs wild in the Bronx and Queens but never fear their representative keeps tweeting.

          Another reminder that society is so anti-social anymore that calling someone out is deemed as hate (which is ridiculous).

          Don’t forget that we’re paying representatives over 100,000 to tweet and make cute little memes and hashtags.

          And finally, a reminder, yes, I don’t like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and that I will continue to call her and the democratic party out regularly.  I don’t like how they brushed Generation-X off by sacrificing them to the wills of the fossil fuel industry by never DOING ANYTHING about the power plants in this country- yet they fall all over themselves to kiss the asses of minorities to get votes.  To any minority reading this- you should be as ticked off as I am about all of them.  None of them give a damn about any of us and this whole Green New Deal idea is pandering nothing more.  If Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to insult everyone- I’ll be glad to insult her right back.


          Somebody needs to stand-up for Generation-X.
