Hey Progressives- Where's Our Apology?

          Want to get cute?  Let’s talk apologies.

          Wait- forget it.  Cute is a bad word and today’s blog will be short.  I’m in a great mood because it’s Groundhog Day and Phil didn’t see his shadow!


          Besides that tomorrow’s the Super Bowl.  I hate both teams but that day’s always fun because it’s JUNK FOOD CITY.  With all that being said, let’s preview a theme.


          First, I agree with the premise of apologies Native Americans and blacks have been treated VERY, VERY BADLY in this country.  They deserve apologies and our respect.  Now, why I’m sarcastic about apologies is this- this idea that we must apologize to Millenials and Generation-Z because of climate devastation (Ralph Nader’s term) makes me want to ask an important question.

          Where is Generation-X’s apology?

          Whoah!!!  Where did that come from?  Well, think about it for a second, we are the victims of the power plants that were built in the 1960s.  A lot of us suffered under the wrath of Halliburton.  So, democrats and you too Bernie Sanders’ lovers- where’s the apology?

          Why did you sacrifice the health of Generation-X just to make amends with the millennials? WHY?  All of you somehow, directly and indirectly got rich off fossil fuels and now you WANT A GREEN NEW DEAL?

          Stick with me.  On Monday, I’ll tell you more.
