Apology #2 Democrats to the Retail Workers

I was looking at the many, many guest lists for tonight's State of the Union address and the funny thing- I noticed that no democrat invited a former Sears or Toys or Us employee.

Gee- I wonder why?

The funny thing about retail is that when it exploded onto the scene no one seemed to have a problem with how many stores a company opened- where they put them or what a CEO was exactly doing.  In some instances, regulations were derailed, working environments deteriorated and a lot of executives made a ton of money.  (Refer back to the Sears CEOs getting nice Christmas bonuses.)  Now, as a lot of you know, Sears (like Toys or Us) is on the verge of disappearing.  So, where's the overall sense of outrage among politicians.

Oh, I hear crickets!  Oh wait!  There's some puffing by Bernie Sanders but not much.  As a matter off fact, the Senator is quite amusing in this regard, considering how he's pro-worker, you would've thought he would've bought a Sears worker as his guest.  However, I suppose that bringing a retail worker really isn't that eye-catching for a senator or even a representative.  That would make too much sense.

Retail's a dirty, little political secret.  It makes democrats and republicans look good, in terms of job numbers but when it comes to any other aspect- there's a collective shrugging of the shoulders.  Retail is also an occupation where people generally just shrug their shoulders and say, 'oh well.'  My best estimation is that stores like Sears and Kmart won't really be appreciated until they've completely vanished but that's another topic for another time.

I don't get the democrats literal sneering at the people who work in retail.  Sure you heard a little huffing from Sanders about Sears but it doesn't seem to be to much of a priority.  I'm under the assumption that retail workers, to democrats, really aren't good enough to be in 'their company.'  I think they see longtime retail workers as uneducated hicks to be honest with you and that's  a dangerous assumption for them to make.  But my theory must have some credibility-

I didn't hear of anyone from Sears, Kmart or Toys or Us going to the State of the Union tonight.

Damn democrats- you shouldn't write-off an entire base.  You should actually be humbled by all of them.  Many of them are more hard-working than a lot of you.  And I do think, you owe them a huge, collective apology.
