Wall Obsessed

            So, my fellow Americans, you sneer at #MedicareForAll, yet you want a wall.

            We can’t have protected federal land anymore yet all of you want a wall.

            Our education system sucks and minorities are getting the short end of a stick, yet a lot of you are screaming for a wall.

            Cities like Flint, MI can’t have clean water yet it’s okay to spend on the wall.

            A lot of you trash free college, yet you want a wall.

            Our air stinks in this country- there’s no desire to clean it or even protect it- yet all of you can’t wait for some wall.

            Old people can’t afford rest homes yet oh yes-gotta have that wall.

            A lot of people can’t pay for their family member’s funeral yet oh boy- here comes that wall.

            A lot of people in this country are HOMELESS- yet some of you are so brainwashed by that idiot in the White House that you’re whining for that wall.

            The hell with that wall…

            And the hell with a lot of you Trump voters.

            Do you know what’s really, REALLY ironic about you Trump voters?  You whine about liberals so much yet a lot of you are no better that these smart asses who bully circuses out of business, or the harass carriage drivers that they must stop their line of work.  What in the hell gives you the right to decide that we should waste money on a stupid, GODFORSAKEN WALL that people will get over.  What in the hell is the matter with a lot of you?  You never even thought of a wall until that idiot Trump threw it out there at a campaign rally. My god, you people are crazy.

            Do you know what’s even crazier than Trump voters?  The shrugging of the shoulders of every so-called online progressive.  The lack of anger about this wall from the so-called, champion progressive class is not only astonishing but it’s to the point of being hysterically funny.  With the obvious insinuation of racism, some kind of out of control wall is foolish, ill-conceived and flat-out IDIOTIC.  Come on people!  Where’s your anger here?  A lot of you should be seething and downright cursing Trump right now.  So, many people in America are homeless and ill yet we can’t care for them but can afford to help them yet if Trump stamps his feet yet all of you want him to cave for this wall???

            I am a member of Gen-X and I never thought that people would be whining for a stupid, waste of a wall.  Now, what’s going to happen with this?  I have no idea.  The whole thing is out of control.  I am just disappointed in the overall lack of brains that people have on this issue.  Why in the world are all of you just so eager to believe everything this idiot Trump? 

            Just tell me why…

            Go ahead I’m listening.

            I’m guessing you won’t be able to make your case because many of you are to obsessed with that #StupidWall.
