The Arrogance of Kirsten Gillibrand

Let's lay this out there for anyone who doesn't know...

I am a Generation-X female, longtime democrat, I supported Bernie Sanders and I liked Al Franken.  Did you hear that America?  I liked Al Franken.  I also think Kirsten Gillibrand is what you call the biggest fake to ever hit the halls of the Senate and I laugh at her arrogance that she thinks she'll be president.  Why?  Well, consider the following...

For one, she has an association with Hillary Clinton.  That alone will get her nowhere. Could you just picture her one on one with Trump?  Or, can you imagine how he'd rip her at one of those rallies?  He'd call her a marionette and to tell you the truth, he wouldn't be that far off.  I have also wondered how much influence that woman has had on her but I digress.

Secondly, what in the world has Gillibrand done to contribute to the good of society?  Go ahead, tell me *fingers tapping on desk.*  To tell you the truth, I'd love to know the answer to this, however I get the feeling that she thinks she's doing society a favor by gracing the Senate halls with her presence.

Third, her Trump temper tantrums will come back to haunt her.  Sure, you could excuse them and maybe agree with them but maybe it was about how she did it.  This is actually a very petty issue.  A senator should be able to vote how they want, when they want but it seems like Trump has this amazing ability to turn something like this into the biggest sin imaginable.

Finally, and I'm sure you know what I'm going to talk about now- the #MeToo movement and Al Franken.  It seems like that Ms. Gillibrand put all of her eggs in this basket which ended up pushing out one of the better senators in Washington.  Let's cut to the chase here without repeating a lot of information that's already out there....

I think Al Franken was set-up.  I think the democrats wanted him out of there in order to put Kamala Harris on important senatorial committees.  How did that work out people?  Do we remember the Kavanaugh hearings?  Of course you do.  It was slammed down our throats enough.  Can you just picture what would've happened if Franken would've been on that committee?  I guarantee that the democrats wouldn't have made such fools out of themselves.

The problem with Gillibrand is this- if you take everything that I mentioned and wrap it up with her overall arrogance you have a person that you'd like to throw coffee on.  There is no substance there except a lot of showing off and bellowing of #Metoo.  The problem with Gillibrand is the fact that she only cares about certain parts of the population.  Kirsten Gillibrand's arrogance in thinking that only caring about a few will ultimately lead her to the presidency is downright stupid.
