Gloating Democrats

          Do you know why I’m really, tired of the democrats?

          Go ahead- take a guess.

          There are so many items, right?  Well, the one thing that I’m tired of is how all of them-let me repeat- ALL OF THEM like to rub it in. 

          Okay, wait.  Senator Sanders doesn’t play this game that much.  Every so often though, he’ll say something that makes you want to hit a wall, but he stays away from this, generally.  However, all these new and ‘exciting’ progressives seem to have the ‘I’m smarter than anyone in the room’ attitude as well.

          But again- I digress…

          To be perfectly honest with you, I’m sure, deep down, even those who voted for Trump sort of seen this coming.  By this I mean the erratic behavior and greedy attitude.  To tell you the truth, I doubt most Trump voters really don’t believe to much out of his mouth anyway.  I think a lot of people are just thrilled to death that Hillary Clinton isn’t in there.

          Yes America, I said it, people are still happy that she isn’t in there.

          But back to the ‘rubbing it in’ point of today’s blog.  If I had to take a general guess, I would say that people are somewhat bewildered by Trump’s overall cruelty towards some issues.  Granted his greed in office is no shock but his all-out cruelty of wanting to throw people off food stamps, health insurance, wanting to literally ruin oceans, parks, etc., etc. can just leave a person shaking his head.  Trump has reached a point where you have to dread news coming out of Washington each day.  However, the dread, even though it’s still there, has turned into acceptance.  Most of America understands how out-of-control this guy is and the last thing we need to hear is a bunch of democrats going, “Nah-nah- we told you this would happen.”

          All of this, of course, centers on Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton has shown not only sour grapes but no class by yapping on and on about how Trump screws the public.  She, literally, undermines anyone wanting to make things better in society.  People don’t need to hear this right now, especially with this government shutdown.  Constantly tweeting and whining in interviews that, “See, see I told you so does nothing except inflame people to support Trump.”  Half the time I wonder if he’s only keeping his base because Hillary Clinton can’t shut her mouth.

          Now, that’s an interesting thought, isn’t it?  How much would Trump lose his base if Hillary did the right thing and step out of the picture?  Omigod I couldn’t type that with a straight face.  The right thing?  Who are you kidding?  Does anyone out there remember Hillary ever doing the ‘right thing?’

          Of course, not…

          This is, literally, the shrug your shoulders moment.  The gloating isn’t going to stop.  Democrats have no interest in rallying behind anyone specific.  Sure, Bernie Sanders is the natural frontrunner (as of now) but he undermines the democratic habit of gloating.  What does that mean?  Easy- if the base rallied around Sanders Hillary Clinton’s credibility and status as the ‘right’ choice in 2016 goes out the window.  Besides, the democrats aren’t going to admit that they’re wrong and that means the gloating will continue into the new year…

          Someone get out the aspirin!
