No to Beto
No Beto.
You heard what I said. No Beto.
And if you’re reading this, I’m sure
all of you know exactly what I’m talking about- Beto O’Rourke mania. For some reason, a lot of people seem to have
this wacky idea that this is the guy to take on Trump in 2020.
Hey Beto, how did that Senate election
work out for ya?
If memory serves me correctly
democrats Beto couldn’t beat Ted Cruz.
Just stop and think about that for a minute. Ted Cruz, the whiniest, kiss-up, lying piece
of privileged garbage was able to beat the new salvation of the democratic
party. How is this even possible? Yeah, yeah- I know it’s Texas but a loss is a
loss. The fact that you couldn’t get through
to enough Texans to turn them against Ted Cruz should disqualify this guy immediately
from running.
Okay, okay. He shouldn’t be disqualified but come on! It’s amazing that he couldn’t even get that
election to a recount since it was that weasel Ted Cruz. Now, with this election being analyzed it
just baffles the mind that Beto O’Rourke is even being promoted so heavily.
First, the man isn’t a
progressive. I never heard of this guy
until that Senate race. Anyone who is a
progressive literally stands out. Beto
reminded me of your typical b.s. politician with no substance behind the
words. Note- people I could be wrong about
him and feel free to correct me. From my
understanding of Beto though he sounds like the typical kiss-ass, gutless
democrat which isn’t saying much.
So, why the push?
Who knows? Yeah that sounds stupid but who knows. Maybe somebody thinks he’d be good because no
one knows anything about him. Somebody
might think he has the right look and others will do anything to distract from
Bernie Sanders. People, it all comes
down to this-
Beto O’Rourke couldn’t even beat Ted Cruz. Yeah, I said it already, but it needs repeated. If he couldn’t beat Cruz, how’s he going to
beat Trump? Beto doesn’t impress me
because he always looks like he’s sneering.
If he’s going to walk around with that perpetual sneer on his face how
do you really think he is going to be received in…
And Wisconsin?
To tell you the truth, if I’d worry
about Minnesota if I ran the DNC. After
all, as much as some of you hate to admit it people did like Al Franken and
they probably still aren’t happy that he was driven out of the Senate.
But I digress…
Simply put, in my humble opinion, Beto
O’Rourke offers nothing to a skeptical public.
This could easily change in say 8 years but who knows? He reminds me of a programmed doll. Bottom line-
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