I Don't Want to Be Like China
The Constitution is out the window. There is no one in Washington looking out for the common person. This country is sliding down a hole of being like China AND I HATE IT. I CAN'T STAND IT. The self-righteousness of the Squad has literally pulled out the idea of property ownership out the window. Thanks to your precious Squad, America, people aren't going to be able to own private property. Their little election moratorium stunt has literally given us a shove towards China.
Guess what? I'm a lifelong democrat AND I DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE CHINA.
That's one of the reasons why I despise the nets in baseball, it makes me feel like I'm in Asia. There is no way in hell that I want to be anything like China, particularly in sports. Now, thanks to the con artist moves of Bernie Sanders, AND YEAH HE CONNED ME and the self-righteousness of the Squad we're being pushed towards it. Today, I'm angry, ticked-off and really steamed. I believe we're headed towards a dark road because people are to brainwashed by their FREAKING CELL PHONE TO SEE IT. I think people are so absorbed by technology that they don't care.
Hey America, when in the hell are you going to wake-up? I don't want to be like China and I bet a lot of you don't either but you're too busy tweeting that you can't see it.
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