What's Ticking Me Off This Week

     So, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thinks if you're worried about crime- you're 'hysterical.'  Remember that this is the same woman with a security force and a million dollar apartment.  She has no interest in your safety.  When are you people going to wake-up to how rotten she is?

    How about the fact that the environmental problems in this country has been destroyed by the obsession of screaming climate change.  You never hear about reforesting, the erosion problem, cleaning streams or lakes or protecting species.  Hey people- this doesn't have to be so hard and the politicians lack of interest in any of this- that should tell you plenty.

    Let's talk about the term 'white supremacy' for a second.  I traveled over the weekend and guess what?  I talked to everyone- black, white, etc.  Do you know what?  America is basically a decent, friendly country and it's disgusting that politicians continue to stir up the hatred people have for each other.

    So, Gwen Berry turned her back on the flag.  Hey lady, you are a privileged, lucky woman who won a medal.  Be grateful for what you have and respect the flag.  If you hate America so much, then move.

    Everyone should get over the fact that certain politicians aren't going to save you.  They like to act they are but trust me it's just an act.

    Bill Gates is buying up more farming areas.  How are you feeling America?  That nerd is controlling what you eat.

    Finally, I heard that Joe Biden is worried about minority communities having 'fresh vegetables.'  There's nothing wrong with that but let me ask you something Mr. President- if you won't help the white farmers- you're vegetable supply will go down.  You can't have it both ways Mr. Biden.
