It Didn't Have To Be This Way: What Ticks Me Off (A List)

    The richest people in America are having a great time telling you how racist you are, if you're white.  That ticks me off because no person is better than anyone else and everyone should be treated as Americans- not 'white supremacists' or the 'oppressed.'

    The media continues to tick me off with their overall standard lines and their complete lack of balance.  Most networks say the same thing.  How many times can you count the words 'oppression,' 'democracy,' 'insurrection' and 'white supremacy' in a newscast?  I'll tell you- dozens of times.  There is no substance to most news and I never thought I'd see the day where Tucker Carlson would be the one actually doing good work in journalism.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to tick me off with her condascending arrogance and the fact that she's an expert in everything.  Her Twitter timeline has DESTROYED NEW YORK CITY.  The mayor with his desire to be popular followed her blueprint to wreck my favorite city.  That annoys me, disgusts me and ticks me off.

    The state of children's literature ticks me off.  It's been hijacked by celebrities, politicians and activists.  Thanks to that- KIDS DON'T READ ANYMORE.  

    BLM ticks me off.  Why?  Well, their attitude stinks and it has proved they are nothing but a con and anyone who has given money to them is an idiot.

    Wildlife groups are ticking me off.  Hey National Wildlife Federation- you continue to send me letters about 'voting rights' and my question to you is this- where in the hell were you when my hometown was so gerrymandered that it'll always be republican.  IT WAS FULL DEMOCRAT WHEN I WAS A KID.

    To the wildlife groups again you're ticking me off with your 'environmental justice' bullshit.  There are white small towns in middle America full of cancer.  Do you care about them?  Nah- of course not.  

    Bernie Sanders ticks me off because he's such a sickening con artist that I really wish I would've taken Styxhexenhammer's videos more seriously.  In my defense- I was sick in 2016 so that could've clouded my judgment.

    Democrats tick me off because the party is flat-out stupid now.  No, I'm not a republican as far as I'm concerned I'm a political orphan and guess what...

This list is going to grow...

