Turn Off the Town Halls

Why does anyone watch a CNN town hall?  Seriously, why?

I skimmed through a recap of the Kamala Harris town hall and it went the way I thought.  Sure, all of the predictions weren't correct but it was so easy to see that it was a lovefest.  There was no accountability, no real answers to any questions and it was a lot of 'Hey, look at me!  I'm really cool.'

No, Senator Harris, you're not but that's besides the point.

Here is the trouble with politicians (democratic and republican) they live in their own little bubble and can't stand it when you point out something that is really wrong in society.  Bernie Sanders is even guilty of this too.  Sure, I'd vote for Sanders again but he's amusing.  He tries to act like Ralph Nader but if you're waiting for him to come to some Pennsylvania county that's been destroyed by power plants, don't hold your breath.  That's not politically suitable because you have to go and hug those West Virginians because the democrats have some crazy idea that they can win the south again.

LOL- I'm going off topic, sorry about that.  That idea is another topic for another time.  Moving right along...

Look people, you're not going to find a real champion in politics.  The only one that came close was Ralph Nader but, unfortunately, he is growing older and let's note we'll be in big trouble when he dies.  Ralph Nader has had every reason to throw up his hands and say, "The hell with you all," but he keeps fighting.  He also has every reason to say 'I told you so,' but hasn't.  Those factors alone make him a real champion in my book.  So, how does this tie to Kamala Harris?

Scripted questions to a California democrat who really doesn't give a damn if a poor Iowa farmer is struggling, won't find you a champion.  Some 50-year-old factory worker isn't going to find a champion in this woman either- what in the hell does she care for?  She'll give you a pat on the head and send you on your way.  Kamala is there for Kamala that's it but you're not allowed to have commentary anymore- not a chance.  See that's another reason I stopped Twitter- commentary is the most unappreciated, misunderstood deliveries in language today.  If you don't tell people what they want to hear- they'll hammer you.  If you make them think, they'll come after you.  People say they want a champion but embrace a clique.

The next time a town hall is on people turn it off.

You won't find what you want there.  

Be your own champion and forget Kamala, Sanders, Biden, all of them.  None of them really give a damn.  The only way that you could convince me that one of them is actually a champion is if one kicked off their presidential campaigns in Johnstown, PA and you know that WILL NEVER HAPPEN.  

If you're wondering why I say Johnstown, PA, look it up and if you're thinking of watching a town hall- turn it off. It's not worth the time. The sooner you stop looking for fluff- the sooner the media  will get the message.
