Tlaib's Big Mouth
Again- I'm a female DEMOCRAT, raised by hardcore democrats with a dad who would've been a Ralph Nader groupie if he could've. I cannot stand the republican party and there would be nothing better than for Donald Trump to be out of the White House. No, I don't want him impeached (well I do but we'll get to that)- I want him to get creamed in an election by Bernie Sanders (another blog for another time). So, what about Tlaib.
I don't have to tell you what she said. You know what she said and you might agree with it but here's the difference be you the reader and her. She's in Congress- you're not. There's something called 'having some class' and that should actually mean something. I mean what in the hell is with this so-called 'dynamic progressive new class' in Congress they don't seem to be about really doing anything. All they want to do is shoot off their mouths!
Here's the thing about Tlaib- what she did was stupid because Trump isn't getting impeached, not with that Senate and low-class. Can you imagine if a guy would've done this? Democrats would be looking for a way to throw him out of Congress completely. Now, everyone seems to be sticking up for Tlaib like she's a persecuted princess.
Funny thing is- I notice no one really mentions the angle. How would you feel if you were Phil Bredesen today? Moveon cancels any event supporting him because he said he would've supported Kavanaugh but they throw their arms around someone who says 'mother______?'
Let's get to the point and make this brief.
Representative Tlaib grow-up.
To this so-called progressive class of congresswomen-you and your little clique don't run the country. You need people to work with. Remember that the next time one of you screams 'impeach the mother_____.'
I don't have to tell you what she said. You know what she said and you might agree with it but here's the difference be you the reader and her. She's in Congress- you're not. There's something called 'having some class' and that should actually mean something. I mean what in the hell is with this so-called 'dynamic progressive new class' in Congress they don't seem to be about really doing anything. All they want to do is shoot off their mouths!
Here's the thing about Tlaib- what she did was stupid because Trump isn't getting impeached, not with that Senate and low-class. Can you imagine if a guy would've done this? Democrats would be looking for a way to throw him out of Congress completely. Now, everyone seems to be sticking up for Tlaib like she's a persecuted princess.
Funny thing is- I notice no one really mentions the angle. How would you feel if you were Phil Bredesen today? Moveon cancels any event supporting him because he said he would've supported Kavanaugh but they throw their arms around someone who says 'mother______?'
Let's get to the point and make this brief.
Representative Tlaib grow-up.
To this so-called progressive class of congresswomen-you and your little clique don't run the country. You need people to work with. Remember that the next time one of you screams 'impeach the mother_____.'
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