The Empty Green New Deal

Want to know the truth?

I really think of this talk of the 'Green New Deal' means nothing.  I shouldn't say that really.  Let me put it to you this way- I think it's a good idea with a lot of empty words.  Sure, I'm going to repeat points already made but I'm amazed at the lack of backbone behind it.  It seems doomed to fail because it's an easy way to go 'oh well- nothing can be done.'

Why do I say this?

There are so many problems with the environment in the age of Trump.  You know it and I know it. There are so many issues out there ranging from the trash in national parks thanks to the shutdown to questions about what republicans want to do to the clean water and air acts.  There are also issues with how much trash is in the oceans to what this so-called Congress is going to do with the Endangered Species Act.  There are also issues with the fact that fracking plants are indeed still opening and just because someone tweets 'Green New Deal' 50,000 times doesn't mean that the company in question is going to shut the factory down.

So, what exactly does all of this have to do with a 'Green New Deal?'  To be honest you can stop with the fossil fuels or try to stop them as much as you want but if you ignore every single aspect of what makes this great world special then you'll get nowhere.  No one seems like they want to give you an answer on what or how they plant to rebuild areas hit by disasters or cleaning up the oceans.  To tell you the truth, it's very frustrating and I wonder if any of these so-called 'new and exciting' congress actually read the laws that are already on the books?

I'm going to say no they haven't and why would they really?  The Internet makes everything so easy.  That's why I hold firm to my belief that tweets about a 'Green New Deal' might seem very appealing they're really empty promises from people who are just telling many of us nothing but what we want to hear.
