Various Political Venting

Let's try to make this short and sweet...

Let me tell you what I'm sick of...

Trump (obviously)



Mitch McConnell

Kirsten Gillibrand lecturing everyone how bigoted men are and do you know what?  For someone who has been stabbed in the back as much as me- I should be applauding this but she is so damned annoying.

Kamala Harris waving her arms telling everyone how racist most of America is.

Hillary Clinton with the 'I told you so' remarks.

Being lectured by a 29-year-old representative with an obvious silver spoon in her mouth.

Wimpy democrats.

Ocasio-Cortez's STUPID hashtags.

Pundits insulting rural areas. What don't you people get- just because there aren't any minorities around DOESN'T MEAN THE AREA IS RACIST. It means that they just didn't chose to live there.

Lindsey Graham- just put those lips on Trump's ass buddy and start the kissing.

Ocasio-Cortez being deemed an environmental expert (a person can only laugh so much).

How Twitter has turned into a hero worshiping garbage dump. HEY AMERICA WHY CAN'T YOU RETWEET FOR HOMELESS PETS AS MUCH AS YOU KISS TRUMP'S, Ocasio-Cortez's, and others asses?

And with that I can be here all day...
